Food Heroes

Food Heroes

Keith Floyd - simply the best
Bruce Poole - great quality and skill personified
Rick Stein - for fantastic recipes, boundless enthusiasm, and for bringing an educated approach to food programming, that isn't always present.........
Nigel Slater - for a writing style that I don't think can be beaten
Giorgio Locatelli - because my wife fancies him, and he made her birthday by signing her menu, and coming out to say hello... (sometimes its the little things...)
Ross Hunter - owner of Surrey Hills Brewery - an old friend who followed his dream
Antonio Carluccio - his passion his food, and his country, are infectious
Eric and Sarah Guignord - who run the brilliant The French Table in Surbiton - my new favourite place! Great food and excellent service every time.

All of these are my food heroes, and many, many more

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Friday 13 June 2014

England -v- Italy : Italian Sausage and bean casserole / Tomato and Mozzarella bites

In an attempt at reverse psychology I am going to be putting up some suggestions for pre / post match grub, and half time snacks - based on England's opponents.
I am looking at one pot wonders - or anything that won't need any effort on the night - and food that will help soak up a few beers - celebratory of course.
So England v Italy - I have gone with an Italian Sausage and Bean casserole which is an old favourite -  on the blog from last June: -

For a half time snack I have gone for something really quick and straightforward - but still packs a flavour punch.

Tomato and Mozzarella bites

20 cherry tomatoes
20 mozzarella bocconcini - or mozzarella cherries
Small bunch of basil
Juice half a lemon
2 tbsp olive oil
good pinch salt
cocktail sticks

1 Put the basil, lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt in a mini blender and whizz
2 Halve the tomatoes
3 Thread a mozzarella ball between 2 halves of tomato - as above
4 Drizzle with the basil dressing

If made ahead of time they would probably benefit from marinating in the basil dressing - but mine didn't last that long.......

So - here it begins - England v Italy - hope you enjoy.
Think I will have my work cut with Uruguay and Costa Rica!!